Monday, May 03, 2010

I Heart my IPad

I took my iPad with me to do laundry. The first thing I did was watch Laura and Leslie on iTunes, then I went to their website and watched episode 8. It was great. I have some more setting up to do, Outlook and my Calendar. I set up iBooks with the link to the ISBN database, that's is very cool. It took a couple of hours to load all of my iTunes stuff, 507 objects. One of the things I love most - it was 96% charged right out of the box. All I had to do was set up my 3G account and start surfing. I love this thing so so much. It is about a 1/4 inch wider than I expected so it does not fit into the case I planned to use. I have ordered another one.

What a great idea, this is the perfect little web tool for me.


PenCraft said...

You'll have to let me know what you think after a few more weeks. I "almost" ordered one, then thought about getting a 13 inch laptop instead. Bigger, bulkier, but more options . . .

cici said...

You sound like my sister. She is in mad love. Her Ipad arrived on Friday. She let me play with it abit. It is pretty amazing♥