Monday, April 27, 2009

Knit for Knaught

Twisted Glenesk. When I switched to the larger needle size for the body of the sweater, I also started using a longer cable and what I found was horrifying. After a knitted cast on of 351 stitches, knitting 10 rows of chart c (351 stitches x 10) and a plain knit row with 6 increases (357) stitches and the first 4 rows of the body of the cardigan (357 x 4) I found the fabric was TWISTED. I had to rip out the entire sweater. I knit 5,646 stitches for 0 (naught).

Good I took a few nights off knitting or I would have been even further along, with even less done. I am on row 8 of the hem again, no twists, no turns, no naughts.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bag 3 Front and Center

I completed the front panel, side welt and first 5 rows of Sipalu Bag 3 - cool green palette. I was so focused on finishing the front panel that I ignored the rest of my knitting this weekend. I think this is my favorite one of the three. I have marked bag 2 as finished, I used my little tool for the iCord and all I need to do is block and line that one. I need to rip out the iCord on the first bag so I can make machine iCord and mark it done also.

Sorry, Sheila, I can't make a video how to on using the machine. I can tell you that the first time I used it the first foot of my cord was useless because I did not have control of the weight. Once I clipped that on and let it hang, it was smooth going. Also, the first two turns should be complete before dropping the weight. I know that is not what the instructions say, but it works for me.
1. feed your yarn through until it comes out of the bottom
2. attach the weight to the yarn coming out of the bottom, I leave the weight on the desk at this point
3. slowly turn the handle until the yarn is caught under all four hooks. Here is where I veered from the given instructions
4. make two turns until you see the yarn actually twisting and knitting on the four hooks
5. let the weight drop and keep turning
The cord looks really thin at this point but as soon as you remove the weight it puffs right out and looks like a normal 3 stitch iCord.
6. make sure you move the weight up the finished cord about every 6 inches.
7. when you have the length you want and you cut the yarn don't pull it through like the instructions say, let it drop through. It is much easier to thread the yarn through the four end stitches if you have not pulled on the cord.

Hope that helps.

I am not sure when I will be posting pictures, again - less computer time equals more finished knitting projects.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yay, my iCord maker came from Walmart. I can finish my Sipalu bags. I had not planned to work on them during my 4 day staycation, but I cannot resist finishing and blocking them. My sweater is coming along, it is so pretty. The Hebridean is gorgeous yarn. I only have the toe decreases and toe to finish on my second sock. I will finish those tonight. It's going to be a Fair Isle weekend!!! I have to go to DMV in the morning to renew my California ID and I have informed my roomies that they are not allowed to have any company this weekend. I do not want to be bothered.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wip Update

My third Sipalu bag in the Cool Palette, featuring the greens. I like this one a lot so far. I finished the first welt and a couple of rows. I am carrying my yarns consistently and I can see the difference in the pattern definition. I am so glad I learned that important technique before starting my sweater.

I finished the first sock in the Hot Socks Jeweltone colorway. The photo does not show the colors very well. The red is actually a ruby red, the greens are emerald and jade greens, the blue is sapphire blue. I immediately cast on the second sock. I was watching the Masters and there is nothing better than sock knitting while watching golf.

This is the infamous Glenesk Swatch. I am so pleased I got gauge. I cast on the sweater yesterday and knit the first 6 rounds of the hem. It takes about 30 minutes to knit each round at 351 stitches per round. I love the colors. The yarn is a little hard on my hands, but I have lots of oil-free lotion to use during and after knitting.

The Aguona Laptop bag in the blue colorway is coming along nicely. The back makes me a little dizzy but I truly love the front. It is a bit large for my new laptop though. I may end up using it as a tote bag instead of a laptop bag. It is very sturdy, and I think it would be perfect as my cruise bag.

More shots of the above in Flickr, just click the link in the sidebar.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

WIP Illusion

Do you ever go into your WIPs and pull out a project and wonder where it has gone? I could have sworn the last time I worked on the The Candle Flame Scarf, I squeezed the ball of Wollmeise and it was hollow and very squishy. I pulled it out the other day and it feels like MORE THAN HALF of the skein is left. I worked on the Aguona Bag last night, when I first pulled it out I thought I had about 20 more rounds to knit on the body - NOPE, I have 30 rounds to go. What happened? WIP Illusions is what I must chalk this up to. When you are anxious for a WIP to become a FO you mis-remember where you are on the project(s). I started the gauge swatch for Glenesk with the thought in mind that I could finish those two projects off quickly - NOT SO. They will have to join those unfinished shawls on the sidebar. This Glenesk is too enticing. The yarns are gorgeous and they look much different knit up together than they do in the balls. The swatch is taking longer than I thought it would because you break off the yarn at the end of each row and start new yarn at the beginning of each row - tedious. I wish I was knitting the sweater already, but I won't give in. I also spend and inordinate amount of time admiring the little swatch. The sweater is going to be beautiful.

Monday, April 06, 2009


I started the Glenesk Sweater swatch. I am holding the darker colors in my left hand-yarn underneath. I think I can get more pop if I hold the lighter colors in my left. I wanted the dark rich blues and greens to dominate, but I also want to see all of the pattern. I am going to do a second swatch before I decide.

I turned the heel of my Hot Sock Socks.

I finished the first welt and knit the first two rounds on my third Sipalu Bag.

I read the entire Tudor Roses book, such interesting historical summaries. The other three sweaters I wish to knit from that book are of course all marked as the most difficult. Requiring Intermediate-Advanced knitting skills and expert finishing. That's never stopped me before. I will most likely attempt one of them when I finish Glenesk, Henry, Leo and Lismore.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Mystery Solved

I am flabbergasted. I have had a little mystery going on that has finally been solved. I received Alice Starmore's book Road Movies about a week ago. I was confused, I had ordered and received Jade Starmore's book A Collector's Item . No other books were in my checkout basket. I posted to the Ravelry group to see if possibly this was a know phenomenon. I knew I did not win the Website drawing, and the book was not one of the prizes. Today I got an e-mail from the one and only Mairi Macleod. Alice sent me the book because on page 247 she has an entry about driving Eastbound out of Antioch. This is truly a small world. Alice Starmore saw my kits ready to be shipped to Antioch and sent me her book so I could read about her experience when she was here. I am speechless. What a thoughtful and cool thing to do!! Yep I am totally fan-girling!!!! Alice ROCKS!!!

April Foolish

I am almost finished with the side panel on the third Sipalu bag. I finished my color chart squares for the Glenesk Sweater kit, but I did not start the swatch chart yet. I think it will have to wait until the weekend now. Not feeling too good, I have been going to bed early. I finished reading The Blue Nowhere - OMG that is the best cyberbook I have read in a long time. My Fed tax refund has been direct deposited. I will probably get an IOU from the state of California so I am not even looking for that one. I want to start the Leo Scarf kit along with the swatch for the Glenesk Sweater. I have too many UFO's going on, but hey it's my knitting and I can do what I want!! I have joined a Henry VIII knitalong which starts in September. I would love to have a couple of these Starmore kits knit before it starts. I have already decided to only knit two lion repeats across on the Leo Scarf. The modeled scarf is just huge, I don't think it would be comfortable for me.

Happy Birthday Theresa Renee Van Dyke wherever you are!!