Monday, March 16, 2009


I totally forgot to snap a picture of the Aguona Laptop bag. I hurriedly tried to find something to stretch it across so I could quickly take and upload a picture. I BROKE MY NEEDLES, just as I was getting the left edge of the bag over the box I heard a snap. I now need new US Size 4 Harmony tips. Geez, I tell ya . . .

I tried to replace the broken tip with the Options tips, but the screws on the cable I was using were too big. I don't know if others have experienced that or not, but some of the cable screws are larger than others. I try to keep them matched up with the tips that have unscrewed from other cables. You can actually see the difference in size - so it is just a matter of using the right combination. Unfortunately the only cable I had available that fit the Options tips is 47" long, I will have to magic loop it until my new tips come.

1 comment:

cici said...

that is a tragedy..I love the harmony needles. Even though I hear lots of complaints about the. Good thing about Knit Picks is you shouldn't have to wait to long for the needles.. There customer service is great♥