I have finished spinning the singles of the Cloudlover Polworth fiber in the colorway The Tempest. I am now 2-plying it.
I finished sock 1 of the Twisted Limone Chocolate Mint socks. I love this BFL Sock Yarn so much.
Yay - I have completed two of the eleven projects for 2011. The Jack Stripe socks and the Rudolph socks are done. They came out wonderful.
I spun the first two ounces of the KnittyandColor bump in the colorway Bloodlust. This is a for a spin along I am doing with Phobbs1.
I would have made even more knitting and spinning progress if I did not have so much to do this weekend. I have swapped boxes for cabinets and drawers in the guest room closet. I put all of the movies, audiobooks and books into place. I have two boxes of DVDs that need to be brought into the bedroom to be placed in the new bookcase, and then that task will be complete. I framed the two Patternworks yarn catalog cover posters - but I still need to hang them. I set up my wireless router so I now have high speed internet access in the Craft/Guest room. I got up in the dark on Sunday morning to snag a Phat Fiber Fluffy Sampler box. I am extremely tired. But I am very pleased with my progress in all areas.
You deserve to sleep in with all the organizing you have been doing. I got up early also on Sunday & was lucky enough to snag a Stitches box from Phat Fiber I think I am hooked on these boxes lol.
I think when I learn to spin I will get another mixed box. I can't wait to get my box.
sounds like what my sister and I do. Happy Birthday to you Sis! I am loving all the socks♥
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