Monday, September 21, 2009

Well. . .

I received a reply from Virtual Yarns and they advise against converting Henry VIII to a cardigan. They feel it ruins the look of the pattern motifs. There is one on Ravelry and I rather like it, although I was planning to switch charts C & D so that what is currently the center - main pattern would appear on each side of the buttonband. The only consolation of not trying to make it a cardigan is that I can dive right in and start knitting. I wound every single hank of yarn into balls Saturday. I am so glad I bougth the electric ball winder!!!!! I cannot imagine having to wind over 30 balls of yarn by hand. I used the face mask I bought also. There were fine fibers all over my work table, laptop, desk, comforter, and the dress I was wearing. Thankfully I am no longer inhaling that - the mask kept it out of my nose and mouth. I found some hanks mislabeled. Two large hanks of Corncrake and three medium-small hanks of Calluna. It was the only Calluna in the kit, so I am confident I have the right amount there. But there were other hanks of Corncrake correctly tagged, I hope I have not received it instead of the amount of Golden Plover I should have gotten.

I had gone through all of the cardigans in Tudor Roses, and the Katherine of Aragon was the style I had chosen for the H8 Cardigan. Maybe after I finish the sweater I will knit it again as a cardigan in a different yarn. As if I don't have enough projects in my queue ;-}

I finally took pictures of my socks and wash cloth, I still have to post them. I cast on the swatch for H8 and got through row 6 of 37 rows. I am listening to a kind of depressing audiobook while I get the charts entered into excel, and knit the swatch. All the good guys keep getting killed.

Once my swatch is blocked and measured I will begin watching the Tudors Season I as I knit H8. I am really looking forward to it.

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